Sites I have Built
Here are the most recent projects I have worked on. I don't know how to sugar-coat this: I have worked on a little too many, and I have lost count.
Mayor Jacobs
An international consulting firm. Mayor Jacobs needed a website that reveals the intent of their brand, but was also easy to use, clean and carefully crafted. I said "Sure!"
Johnson Babalola
Canadian Lawyer, Johnson Babalola needed a website to showcase his written works - a website that was both easy to use and super fast, and of course 'fast' always sounds great!
CareerNudge Consulting
Canadian Consulting firm, CareerNudge needed a new web application built for them that covers the display of their impeccable services, all through to a functional job portal. The kind of project that makes me tingle!
Topmarké Global Network
With a focus on offering immigration information, settlement services, and other Canada-changing programs, Topmarké Global Network needed a website to showcase just that! Something stylish, yet confident.
GoldStream Law Firm
A world-class legal solutions provider, GoldStream Law needed a website to portray their unrivaled legal services and being that I have seen all Episodes of 'Suits', building a law firm's website excites me!
Ontario Centre of Public Policy and Strategy is a Canadian research group dedicated to finding solutions and offering policy recommendations that are expected to make societies more progressive, and their website speaks to that!
Brains & Company
The lead on the team of recruiters at Brains & Company reached out for a website to be developed off of a prototype they had developed. The result was a pixel-perfect development and design that they loved!